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Intended for use within COVID-19 we have reusable and certified masks.


Our Community Masks have been tested and verified by an independent entity, with accredited laboratories and their compliance with the technical specifications required by the European Union (EU) EN14683:2019 e ISO6330:2012, has been validated thus being certified and authorized by the Direcção Geral de Saúde (DGS), by Infarmed and the Instituto Português de Qualidade (IPQ and awarded a "Masks - COVID-19 Approved" seal. 

ISI Model


Premium model, chic

Our Certified Reusable Masks

DIOGO model


Confortable, perfect fit



Two different models

Some colors

Why are our masks different ? What differentiates us?


Our masks were made with good taste and feeling, they were created by us and for us, the business came afterwards as a complement. They are not the most economical but they are remarkeble